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CAPES expects to reach petition numbers by July 31 deadline

CAPES has been collecting signatures since June to get the Arkansas LEARNS Act on the November 2024 ballot for voters to decide.

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — The Citizens for Arkansas Public Education and Students (CAPES) issued a statement Sunday regarding its canvassing to get the Arkansas LEARNS Act on the November 2024 ballot for voters.

CAPES said they expect to reach the minimum required number of signatures before the July 31 deadline, when the group will hand them over to the Secretary of State's office.

“Boxes are coming in constantly, gathering is still happening and counting is taking place," CAPES Executive Director Steve Grappe said. "We’re excited to announce an estimated total of 46,900 signatures consisting of counted and reported signatures. This total does not include today’s ongoing canvassing."

CAPES must collect 55,000 signatures from 50 Arkansas Counties for the petition to go on the November ballot.

The LEARNS Act has been a point of contention between CAPES and local government officials like Attorney General Tim Griffin and Education Secretary Jacob Oliva.

After initially rejecting CAPES's ballot titles aimed against the LEARNS Act two different times, AG Griffin officially certified the ballot title on June 5. 

LEARNS is the education reform plan introduced by Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders. 

The plan promises a private school voucher program, paid maternity leave programs, literacy programs, and teacher salary raises, which has drawn concern from some who are worried the voucher program would lead to further privatization of Arkansas education.

Last month, the LEARNS Act was paused for the second time due to a lawsuit in the Arkansas Supreme Court, which argues that the emergency clause attached to the bill wasn't voted on correctly. 

CAPES encourages people to call its CAPES-sponsored hotline at (888) 320-3329 if they have been threatened not to sign or want to help with the petition effort.

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