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Little Rock School District students share back-to-school excitement

Students across Arkansas including in the Little Rock School District had their first day of classes on Monday. Some students shared their excitement about the day.

LITTLE ROCK, Arkansas — As the afternoon bell rang on Monday, it signified that the first day of school for the 2022-2023 school year was over. And with the first day now in the books, students in the Little Rock School District spoke about how their day went.

"It was good," said Caleaha, a student at J.A. Fair K-8 Preparatory Academy.

Hatcher from Pulaski Heights Elementary said, "It was fun. I was very sleepy because I could not go to bed!"

"It was different. I definitely felt a lot more challenged," said John Henry from Pulaski Heights Middle School.

Though all three kids attended different schools, they were all very excited about the first day, and the students weren't the only ones who were happy to be back.

"Well, I was ready. I love them and they are wonderful, but it was time," said LRSD parent, Kacky Fuller.

Pulaski Heights Middle School Principal Darryl Powell also explained his excitement about the first day of school.

"It was exciting. It was very exciting to see our students moving through the hallways and getting relationships reestablished with the friends they have," said Principal Powell.

Even with the school year having just begun, some students shared that they already have a favorite class, like music, science, and math.

One student had a favorite memory from his first day at Forest Park Elementary School.

"All the teachers dressed up in graduation suits and they all got on stage and danced to a song," said Oscar.

For some students, this is the first year they won't have to worry about masks or the possibility of virtual learning because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Hatcher did virtual learning for his first and second-grade years.

Hatcher's mom said, "I think he told me, 'I love you, Mommy, but you are not a very good teacher.'"

Powell was glad to see the students back in classrooms as things slowly return to normal.

"Nothing like that social interaction that occurs not only between the teacher and student but equally important between the student and the other students," said Powell.

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